Harounian Area Rugs

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Enhance Your Interior with a Harounian Area Rug

Harounian rugs radiate luxury and practicality. Harounian International reimagines traditional designs to make area rugs blend effortlessly with modern interiors. Skilled weavers from India carefully weave each oriental rug by hand, painstakingly creating bespoke pieces.

Harounian International takes quality seriously and only makes rugs from 100% premium wool. Its products contain a high lanolin content, making them stain and soil-resistant. As a result, these rugs and carpets are ideal for rooms with greater foot traffic.

Some rug owners worry that leaving heavy pieces of furniture over their carpets will cause indents over time. But Harounian carpets are durable enough to withstand fiber compression from heavy furniture. Apart from their durability, Harounian area rugs are extremely soft to the touch. Even after being on display for several years, they remain a true work of art.

Any collector would be proud to call a Harounian carpet their own. Browse our collection and ship for Harounian International area rugs and carpets today.

Materials and Weaving Techniques

Beauty and sophistication come to life in Harounian Rugs International’s masterpieces. They use the finest materials and follow superb craftsmanship in creating these pieces. Master weavers use centuries-old weaving techniques passed down from generation to generation.

100% fine wool is hand-knotted by skilled artisans to create a durable and long-lasting finish. Production can take months to complete and may require multiple weavers working side-by-side.

Every step of this meticulous process takes tedious work because it involves selecting thread fibers, dyeing the rugs, hand-knotting using traditional machines, and rug washing to ensure premium quality. Any imperfections are corrected through inspection and shearing.

Colors and Patterns

The Antique Heriz collection of Harounian area rugs we offer typically use warm, earthy tones such as red, brown, rust, and ivory. These colors are perfect for adding warmth and coziness to your interiors.

You’ll notice these rug surfaces using borders with different design elements and images. Allover patterns and natural elements such as leaves and flowers are depicted to create an oriental-style rug.

Caring for and Cleaning Your HRI Rugs

Maintain the beauty and quality of your Harounian rugs with these care and cleaning tips:

  • Rotate your rugs regularly at about 180 degrees to help equalize wearing and tearing. Consider rearranging your room’s layout to create different traffic patterns on your rugs, as well.
  • Place a rug pad underneath your HRI rug for better stability. Provide enough breathing space by minimizing the friction between the floor and your rug.
  • When storing your rug, do not place it inside a plastic bag. Keep it in a dry and well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight.

Decorating with Harounian Rugs

Make your living spaces distinct and memorable by adding an HRI area rug. Check out these decorating tips:

  • Use decorative elements such as draperies, furniture, paintings, and rugs in a single shade of color to achieve a monochromatic look that exemplifies beauty and grace.
  • Use the earthy tones of Harounian rugs to your advantage by placing them in rustic rooms to achieve a cozy vibe. You may also place them in modern living spaces to make your rugs stand out.
  • Treat the floor as your canvas and use your rug as the centerpiece. Rugs with bold colors can provide plain-colored rooms with a dazzle of color and patterns. Bring life and a comfort to any living space with a Harounian rug.

Frequently Asked Questions about Harounian Rugs

Can I customize my Harounian rug?

HRI rugs are available in different sizes ranging from 2x8 up to 12x18. They are also available as runners to fit long hallways. The sizes of these rugs can also be customized depending on your preferences. Simply select the “custom sizes” option upon placing your order to indicate your specifications. After that, we’ll send you a quote. Get in touch with us to place a custom order today.

How do I keep my runner rug in place?

Placing your rug in high-traffic areas makes it prone to moving out of place, which could contribute to accidents. Prevent slips-and-falls by placing a rubber pad underneath it. We suggest that the rubber pad is smaller so that it won’t peek out of your rug.

What are the different collections of Harounian Rugs?

Harounian Rugs International has over 50 collections of their renowned rugs such as Avalon, Laguna, Rosewood, and Oasis. Each one has its own unique style and designs that make HRI the go-to brand for quality masterpieces. We carry the Antique Heriz collection which showcases the classic 18th century Persian Heriz design on its surfaces.

Shop for Harounian International Area Rugs & Carpets

Our extensive collection of Harounian International area rugs are available in different patterns. Designs range from classic to contemporary, producing a decorative blend that will suit various collector’s tastes.

Customers are free to choose between bordered and non-bordered Harounian rugs. A bordered rug adds a simple flair to a rug’s design, giving it a cleaner, sharper look. On top of that, Harounian International follows the hand-knotting tradition, which gives our bordered traditional rugs a unique texture. The special hand-knotting process involved ensures the quality of each piece.

Our Harounian International rugs are available in different sizes. However, if the dimensions don’t match your space, we can customize your rug to fit your needs. Depending on the size, you may opt for either square or rectangular rugs. Shop with us today.

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