10 Square Area Rugs

Want to try a different rug shape? We offer 10 SQ rugs for square bedrooms, living rooms, and more. Take a look at our 10 SQ area rug collection today.

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Rugs make a big impact on the design of a space with little effort. They're easy to install without needing to overhaul your existing living room or bedroom arrangement. They’re also incredibly adaptable. Depending on your home’s design, a rug can serve as the main attraction or the accent piece.

Area rugs are an excellent way to define specific sections of a room or add a focal point to a living or dining space. Likewise, 10 square area rugs can serve as central pieces that anchor furniture like couches and tables. As these pieces are larger, they naturally attract attention, so choosing a design that stands out is best.

What Patterns, Colors, and Designs are Available for 10 Square Area Rugs?

We offer all sorts of designs for our 10 square rugs. You’ll find pieces made of different materials, textures, and weave types. We also have hand-knotted wool rugs for an elegant and luxurious look that captures the luxury of artisan traditions from Iran, India, and more. Meanwhile, our flat woven modern rugs offer eye-catching abstract designs and pops of color for contemporary-style houses.

Choosing the Right 10 Square Area Rug

Area rugs are a crucial element for any room, as they can tie together different pieces of furniture and add warmth and texture to a space. However, before buying an area rug, several important things must be considered.

The first is the purpose of the rug. Will it be used to define the space as its focal point or serve as a complementary piece? Knowing the answer to this will help inform the kind of design your rug needs. For example, a room with bold colors and pieces benefits from a carpet that features neutral tones to balance it out.

The next factor is your family’s lifestyle, which will help determine the rug’s material. For example, families with pets and children will want to steer clear of high-pile rugs and should instead go for flat-weave rugs for easier maintenance and stain resistance.

On the other hand, if the area does not receive much foot traffic, a high-pile rug for added luxury and comfort will suffice.

Another thing to keep in mind is maintenance. Rugs need to be rotated regularly and vacuumed. Moreover, regular vacuuming makes flat-weave rugs easier to maintain, while high-pile rugs may require professional cleaning services.

Caring for and Cleaning Your 10 Square Area Rug

Good rug maintenance is key to prolonging their lifespan. Aside from vacuuming regularly, you should rotate the area rug every six to 12 months to avoid fading and wear. Direct sunlight accelerates fading, so consider the position and shade from the sunlight.

Be sure to clean any spillage immediately using paper towels or a damp cloth to prevent it from seeping further into the rug. If you have had the carpet for some time, consider having it professionally cleaned.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your return policy?

At Cyrus Artisan Rugs, we take pride in our rugs' exceptional quality and craftsmanship, as well as our commitment to customer satisfaction. For items purchased from our online store, you have seven days once you receive the rug to return the unused merchandise for a full refund, excluding shipping costs.

Don't hesitate to contact the Cyrus Artisan Rugs showroom for Return Authorization and schedule a UPS pick-up.

Where is your service center?

Our showroom is located in Bloomington, 13 miles from downtown Minneapolis. We are proud to have the largest designer rug showroom in the Midwest, with over 3,000 handmade rugs in stock.

We service areas like Rochester, Minnesota, and St. Paul, Minnesota.

Discover our Artisan Rug Collection

Elevate your space with the perfect 10 square area rug. Browse our catalog at Cyrus Artisan Rugs and find the perfect new rug for your home.

Some areas we service: