Nourison Area Rugs

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Nourison Area Rugs: Timeless, Handwoven Rugs with a Bohemian Twist

Nourison area rugs are some of the most sought after area rugs in the interior design world. For more than 35 years, this family-owned rug manufacturer has been a top supplier of area rugs, broadloom carpets, and home accessories. The brand’s rugs are in high demand due to their aesthetic charm, with designs that range from traditional-looking symmetrical designs to those with more modern, abstract qualities. Nourison rugs are also well-constructed and will stand the test of time when cared for properly.

Materials & Weaving Techniques

Since 1980, Nourison has been a premier source of exquisite handwoven rugs that deliver unparalleled quality and sophistication. Its vast selection includes signature area rug collections, prestige designer lines, and power-loomed carpets for commercial use. The superior quality of its area rugs can be traced back to its materials and weaving techniques.

All Nourison rugs are handcrafted using pure wool and are sumptuously colored with signature abrash dying techniques. Hand-carved finishing methods add dimensional design and depth to each rug for a luxurious, Bohemian appeal. The brand’s woolen area rugs are certified Green Label Plus and uphold Environmental Protection Agency qualifications.

Colors & Patterns Found in Nourison Rugs

Nourison rugs offer beauty, craftsmanship, and quality. The company has partnered with world-class brands such as Christopher Guy, Calvin Klein, and Waverly Rug Collection to add diversity to its collections. Each rug is inspired by traditional design and modern trends to add dramatic accents to any space.

Its Calvin Klein rugs feature neutral colors, subdued patterns, and monochromatic shapes and stripes. Kathy Ireland rugs, on the other hand, takes their cues from traditional Oriental rugs and features kaleidoscope floral patterns. Meanwhile, Nourison rugs from Rug Direct feature floral and botanical prints.

Caring for & Cleaning Your Nourison Area Rugs

Wool fiber is naturally resistant to wear and tear, as well as stains and dirt. Nourison recommends cleaning its area rugs with Woolite or other compatible carpet cleaners. Using other cleaning solvents will void the warranty on your Nourison rug, making the cleaning service solely responsible for any damage.

Clean your Nourison rug by applying Woolite with a soft thistle brush, then rinse off the water and extract suds with a vacuum. Dry the carpet by air or use a low-temperature blow dryer.

Room-to-Room Decorating Tips

Nourison offers area rugs in different styles, colors, and patterns. Choose from traditional, transitional, or contemporary styles, depending on your taste.

Rectangular Nourison rugs with summer shades like gold, red, and orange provide texture and are great additions to your patios or poolside. Meanwhile, runner Nourison rugs with darker, bluish hues and ornate floral accents can add a regal presence to any room. Breath new life into your indoor space with Nourison Persian rugs featuring floral and leaf patterns. Its lush material and marvelous tone will add extra sensory appeal.

Frequently Asked Questions about Nourison Persian Rugs

Why should I choose Nourison rugs?

For over 40 years, Nourison has built a reputation as one of the top leaders in wholesale flooring. Its inventory includes more than 4,500 distinct styles of area rugs and ships 95% of its orders within 48 hours. This means you can expect top-quality rugs, as well as timely deliveries.

Does Nourison offer custom-made rugs?

Nourison gives you free rein to customize your rugs. It offers two diverse custom rug programs: Fifty to Infinity and Craftworks. The Fifty to Infinity program is ideal if you’re looking for custom-sized rugs for your space. Meanwhile, Craftworks offers custom rugs with an organic, handmade look ideal for large spaces.

How much does a Nourison rug cost?

Nourison’s manufacturing process lets them create area rugs for every price point, from mid-market to luxury. Retail prices generally range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

Adorn Your Space with Nourison Persian Rugs

Area rugs are a common addition to rooms with hard surface floors. People get area rugs mainly because they have a unique way of bringing a room’s visual elements together. Area rugs are also bought by people who want to add warmth and comfort to their homes. Some rugs are soft enough to lie on and can absorb the impact of your footsteps. Of course, the rugs can also be used to insulate your feet when the floor gets cold.

More importantly, rugs can bring cultural richness into your indoor space. Unlike other indoor features, their vibrant colors and designs can be traced to ancient handweaving techniques. In case you’re wondering where Nourison rugs are made, they originate in the Middle East and Central Asia. Understanding the history and artistry behind these pieces imparts a value that goes beyond their price. And as long as your area rug remains in good shape, it can appreciate in value over time.

Interested in adding Nourison area rugs to your home? Any purchase you make for your home is important, and you’ll want to adorn your space with top-quality rugs that offer genuine pleasure and satisfaction for years to come. Find the exact rug you need to complete your home when you shop at Cyrus Artisan Rugs.